An assault on Christmas

Conservative “talking heads” have spent the last several days talking about a supposed “assault on Christmas” that many retailers have been undertaking this holiday season, by referring to the “holidays” instead of directly referring to “Christmas.” Jerry Falwell specifically referred to it as an insult, and said that those responsible should be ashamed for profiting from the birth of Jesus (remind me how exactly does Falwell make his money?).

Bill O’Reilly, dba Satan, has specifically been making a big deal about it this week, specifically attacking retailers such as Target for marketing Christmas Trees as “Holiday Trees.” Well, they’ve fixed the mistake now, but Google doesn’t lie. Here’s a link to Google’s cache of the <A HREF=“’s%20New%26PRODUCT%3DFOX21000900+“o’reilly+factor”+“holiday+ornament”&hl=en”>FOX News Store</A>, advertising an “O’Reilly Factor Holiday Ornament,” which you can gladly hang from your Holiday Tree.

What a bunch of fucking hypocrits. Is this the most important thing they can think of to talk about? Is this really more important than anything else going on in the world right now? Are they really so insecure in their beliefs that if someone doesn’t refer to their holiday by name that it loses value in their minds?

Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.

I think they just want something to harp about. Like getting pissy about Christmas being shortened to X-mas. “OH NO, THEY TOOK CHRIST OUT OF IT! BLASPHEMY!!! D:”

Morons. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure O’Rielly picked the name himself <_<

I now know why The Simpsons insult them on a regualar basis!

Merlin speaks wisdom. This is just milking the trend for christian fundamentalism in the US. The republicans are riding the conservative wave of fundies. They generate arguments that people with little worldly exposure and critical thinking will readily swallow. More of the same.

I don’t like the commercialization of Christmas. :frowning:

I do think it’s absurd to call Christmas trees Holiday trees. That’s not an assault on Christmas; that’s just being far too cautionary.

984, Hit the Nail on the head there!

Here is in the UK it is gernerally to “Chistmas” not “holiday”. We really got going this week for ads and shops. It isn’t a major thing. What is it with Labels? and Why do Politicons want to change what is on Labels. I can’t ask for a half a’ pound of Jelly Babies, since they will not sell me it in imperial.

I was reading the letters to the editor in the paper last night and this was a big topic. On the one hand, one person critisized Christians for being intolerant at this time of year and getting huffy about all of the special holidays for many faiths being clumped together- apparently the original (Christian) person who wrote in said that if people of other faiths don’t like it, they can go back to their own country since the majority of people celebrate Christmas here. Intolerance indeed.

On the other hand, a Christian woman also wrote in and said basically along the lines of it’s not fair to punish Christians for referring to the holidays in general.

Are you really getting that much hot air blown up your ass if you can’t even be respectful to the other religious and non religious people who also live during the month of December? It just blows my mind and my hatred for religious hypocrites just deepened. It’s like the ultimate, peaceful truth is just within their reach but they’re so full of lies, pride and a type of religious nationalism, they can’t see it.

…Its a Christmas tree. Always has been. This “omg it has CHRIST in it they could sue” shit is getting way too out of hand.

Eva, They so full of themselves, they can’t see what their orignal Aim was!

Instead they Skirt the issues by playing with a few optional extras.

I think “Holiday Tree” is in fact a little ridiculous, but substituting “Merry Christmas” for “Happy Holidays” on something that isn’t specifically for Christians, like a retail ad or a television network, isn’t too outrageous, and is actually a good step in being tolerant.

My point was that Bill O’Reilly, who was making such a big deal about this, was in fact selling a “Holiday Ornament” on the Fox News site (which was later renamed to “Christmas Ornament” that even mentions in its description that you can hang it up on your “Christmas Tree”), and that Jerry Falwell, who was complaining about people “profiting from Christ’s birth,” when every dime he has made has been on riding Christ’s name. Perhaps his complaint was that other people are moving in on his territory.

Yes, yes they are that insecure. And religious arguments will exist forever, or untill someone can finally educate people on the fact that it doesnt fucking matter because everyone in the world is a hypocrit when it comes to religion. Fuck’em all.

more like faux news.

What makes me laugh the most is that all those people who are making this fuss about Christmas vs. Holiday fiercely believe that JC was born on December, yet the Bible says he was born during Spring. Think about it.

And on December 25 I’m celebrating the original holiday of the date: Birth of the Invincible Sun.

Because the “X” in “X-mas” is actually the Greek letter Chi, which is still intended to mean “Christ”.

One contributor to the problem of this holiday nonsense is political correctness and concern over offending people. There have been studies done showing that non-Christians don’t mind having someone wish them a Merry Christmas. You know what pisses me off? When TV shows have an episode about “The True Meaning of Christmas” without once mentioning religion. I might not care so much if they did something about the true meaning of Easter, since that is the most important holiday in the Christian calendar, but that’ll never happen.

Then there’s the whole stupid commercialization and materialistic obsession taking over.

Now listen to me you little and big people, if I learn a certain word at 4 years age and use it for sixteen years to date, then I’ll use it for the rest of my life as well. And since I didn’t understand politics as much then as I do now, I’ll just give 'em the old international sign.


Also, Yule works very, very well.

My hate of Christmas is only cementing as time passes. Yay.

When will those lonely, cold-hearted people realize that ‘Christmas’ is nothing special. If you need an excuse to see your family, or have hot wild kinda drunk sex with your partner, you have some serious issues and I disapprove. >=|

I don’t know who to dislike more, the terrible consumer marketers, or the terrible people who get mad about a break from a publicly accepted religious tradition, so I will hate them both.


binary four, Maba?

Demigod: Where’d you find that out? I always thought it had to do with the “Px” sign from Christianity’s early days (before the cross was adopted) or due to the omission of God’s name in print.

There is a trend in various institutions to use the phrase “Happy Holidays” in lieu of “Merry Christmas.” I’m not particularly worried about that. If it makes good business sense to avoid alienating anyone, that’s cool.

But a “Christmas tree” is just that. It is a symbol used in Christian celebrations of their Christmas holy day. If I remember the lore correctly, Joseph of Aramathea prosletyzed to a bunch of heathens in Britain during their winter celebrations by transforming one of their sacred oak (yew maybe?) trees into a fir tree, whose triangular profile he used as an anolgy for Christianity’s triune God.

This is probably a sort of folk origin story, but it does establish the use of a pine tree as a Christian symbol. Its symbolic meaning is specifically Christian, although other religions could appropriate it; there’s no law to stop them. I haven’t seen a Kwanza tree nor a Hanukkah tree yet though. So I agree with Sat and 984 that it’s overcautious. Why not call a Menorah a “Holiday Candelabrum” while we’re at it?

I’ve heard, however, that certain schools have taken to disallowing students from handing out candy canes or wishing other students a merry Christmas. This goes beyond caution. I’ve heard no mention of bans on other religious expression.

Logically speaking, though, in the interests of thoroughness the school should ban images of Santa Claus, or “Saint Nicholas.” They should also ban the Easter bunny, and Easter eggs, both holdovers of pagan fertility symbols.

Parenthetically, I also think that so long as legal action is being taken to kill off native american sports mascots, they should sue the New York Yankees, as their name is a racial/ethnic slur. Some white guy might be offended.

If you were given to the slippery slope argument, you could construe these trends as a conspiracy against Christianity, taking away all the symbols that belong exclusively to it, either by banning their use or sterilizing them so that they are no longer uniquely Christian. You can only claim something like this is happening, though; collusion would be impossible to prove, much less disprove. And the belief that the inability do prove a negative is evidence for the positive is a common weakness in the reasoning of religious people, New Agers, UFO chasers and other people we like to deride as “nuts.”

As for Jerry Falwell, in the interests of being charitable in my appraisal of things, I think when he talks about people “profiting from Christ’s birth” he’s referring to the commercialization of the holiday. Don’t kid yourselves, Christmas is the major holiday this season that drives consumption for the last two to three months of the year, or, as Lewis Black put it, “…the American economy is tied to Santa’s ass.” I imagine he thinks that so long as you’re predominantly selling your wares to people who are celebrating Christ’s birth you should acknowledge it.

I’m not a Christian, nor do I believe in immaculate conception, but allow me to throw this out; we don’t know if the seasons have been altered greatly over 2000 years, but we do know that the Romans greatly edited the calendar, and that it hasn’t been exactly 2005 years since Christ was born. We also know that Spring in the southern hemisphere is celebrated during the time that is considered Autumn in the northern hemisphere. Thus, the date could be accurate, or it could not matter at all since the calendar was fucked with.

Regardless, what matters is that religious people have a day to associate with their faith. Religion takes a lot of something or another, something that I don’t have, so I don’t know what it is, but having a day to sit back and just revel in it is probably important.