America's Favorite Pastime

Barry is the man.

Hank Aaron is still the man.

When Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken Jr. were inducted into the Hall of Fame last week; almost immediately Barry Bonds and his future induction came to mind. The roid shit will float again. But there is nothing you can do – this is the Steroid Era after all. At least it’s not as bad as the Tour de Farce, or East German female swimmers (built like floating refrigerators) back in the 70’s and 80’.

I know baseball is the fav past time i would rather watch football.

Not that nowadays many women athletes don’t resemble men. The Tour has also turned into a big joke; only the Spaniards were happy because their cyclist won.

I’m not a fan of Barry Bonds either, but I don’t think he’s a cheater or a jerk. Records are meant to be broken so you can’t blame the guy.

As for that, I’m on Cross Country so I know It’s possible to gain more muscles in a semi-short period of time, depending on how hard you’ve worked.:runaway:

Usually, lifting weights doesn’t make your head grow 5 hat sizes.

I pray to the divinity for an Indians-Cubs World Series.

Wait I thought America’s favorite pastime was getting fat of the flesh and blood of the geographically south D:

My mistake! Steroids for all!


Man, you’re one crazy frenchie.

People’s heads get bigger when they gain weight and get old. Like Chandler and Ross on Friends. Their heads got huuuuuuuge.