Amazon deranks books that have homosexuality in them:

And people say lawyers are the ones that want to push everyone to sue.

I blame 4chan

Good I’m glad

So it seems like the system was exploited. Nothing new really. Much of this stuff is somewhat simple to do assuming you know how to do it right. (Saying it that way sounds stupid to me…)

As per who to blame…that gets tricky. I really forget what the legality is regarding stuff like this. The people who did it could get in trouble since they did admit to it, but I’ve got no clue.

Also, what of the lesbian mice? I wanna hear more. lol

I don’t want to push anyone to sue. I just keep reading about it, and it seems that people keep talking about whether or not a suit would be feasible. Since we have more than one person in law school here, I figured I’d ask.

YES! How many mice do you go through a month on average? Do you ever name them?
That’s sort of interesting about the female mice engaging in that. Are you experimenting with their hormones? Because I can’t see why a female would do that <strike>without a strap-on</strike>.

A better prank would have been to remove all books that weren’t related to LGTBQ.

And now Amazon is saying something completely different happened:

This is getting fucking convoluted.

My favorite gay animal couple is still the two <a href=“,1176,Gay-flamingos-pick-up-chick,Yahoo-News”> Flamingos who ‘adopted’ another chick :3 </a>. And they’re not discriminated against! It works in the Flamingociety!
Or the two <a href=“”> gay penguins</a> ^.^

Dude you know homos fuckin deserve all this shit right

Penguins are mad gay, yo. Seriously, though, a lot more penguins are gay than any other animal. Sheep, however, were the first animal where one was found to be consistently attracted to the same sex, rather than just humping shit as some animals are wont to do, though.

4 years ago, over half of this country voted for George W. Bush. People seem to forget that in the euphoria over Obama and his New Order… we’re still the same country as we were in 2004. That being said, does it surprise anybody that Amazon, a business wanting to make money, is doing this?

Only you too thought it was intentional but wouldn’t affect anyone (other than the people who made this into an issue and Amazon who backpedaled on their explanation). Oh well.

The prose had a certain clarity, especially in the descriptions.

So why are penguins more gay than the rest of the animals (or the rest less gay)? I wonder when couchsexual dogs will be recognised and given the right to marry their sofa of choice.

When did you get back from the military??

I didn’t. Sometimes we get half the day off and there are netcafes in the area.

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Steve, what’s your problem? I know we treated you like shit back in the day but get over it and stop trolling, lol.

Oh no! Steve made a gay joke at me… I think I feel tears… why? :’(

I’m pretty sure this is just his “style” and also how he posts all the time

See I put “style” in quotes making it a subtle veiled criticism


You might have gotten your hair in your eyes while playing guitar.