All you DnD players out there...

[STRIKE]Name, security clearance, sector and what clone they’re on.[/STRIKE] Uh, definitely name, gender, race, and class. I guess.

Personal stats:

  • Name
  • Type[Subtype]
  • Race
  • Class(es) and level
  • Gender
  • Languages spoken
  • Patron Deity
  • XP
  • XP needed for next level

Core stats:

  • STR
  • DEX
  • CON
  • INT
  • WIS
  • CHA

Combat stats:

  • HP left/full
  • Subdual damage
  • Armour class
  • Melee attack modifier
  • Ranged attack modifier
  • Fortituve save modifier
  • Reflex save modifier
  • Will save modifier


  • Skillname / Ranks / Ability Mod / Misc Mod / Total Mod


  • Featname / Description / Sourcebook

Racial traits

Class abilities


  • Equipped items
  • Non-equipped items
  • Gold

Appareance / Backstory.

Thank you EXTREMELY much.
I think the description is useful, but sourcebook maybe not… oh well.
Post more as you think of things to be put into there.

edit: by subdual, do you mean damage that subdues, or really “subdual”

Er, subdual damage is a kind of damage that can’t get you killed. If your subdual damage is ever as high as your current hit points, you faint. You remove subdual damage at a rate of 1/hour of rest, I think.

Alrighty, now for the fun part.
I need someone to give me a character sheet with all that information on it, and I’ll give you a name and password to log in with. I want you to see if you can access the character sheet.

Kor, I’m looking in your direction.

Edit: Also, anyone who would like to gimme some pointers on making a registration function, speak up now.

Alright, give me a few minutes. I’ll DCC a sheet your way

Alrighty, the login feature works, there’s a small problem on the character display page involving the ability to select someone else’s character if you know the name. I’m working on that right now… should be fixed by monday.
I’ll start working on the registration process, that should be simple. Then I’ll begin work on the ability to update/change your character’s information.

I strongly suggest you incorperate what is used by PCGen. It is efficent and pretty neato.


Steve, this is an awesome idea. I’ll submit a character sheet/test.

Sorry, I’m full up on all the work I can handle. I’ll let you know if I need anything before it’s done, though. <!-- </lies> -->

Sorry for the double post, but oh well.

I’ve been having some problems with my computer as of late. I’ll be postponing this coding until I fix it (read::once I get windows XP reinstalled on this hunk o’ stuff)
So I’ll just update you guys on the status of it whenever I get the time to fix my computer.