Age of Empires 2...

I recently got in to playing AOE2 but have a major tactical dilemma. I’m in a post imperial deathmatch versus 2 computers (a sarcens with a low score that doesn’t bother any one and a mongol horde at my gates) I am the Celts and was wondering if any one knows of any good ways to deal with cavalry archers. I could fairly easily deal with the mongol base if it weren’t for their unique cavalry archers tearing through my attack force.


Originally posted by Nulani

best thing versus any archer type person

I tried that, but 100 skirmishers later the mongol horde acts as though it didn’t feel a thing while I took 20 to 1 losses. We have a narrow no-man’s-land between our bases, which is currently hotly contested for resources.

Set up Towers near the resource areas and have a few archers stationed in each. Also keep a few peasants stationed in a couple of the Towers. When they damage the towers just tell the peasants to go out and repair :stuck_out_tongue:

I have 800 stone left after walling in half the map to ward off attacks. thankfully I haven’t seen a siege weapon out of either of them or I’d be in a world of hurt. I tried plopping a castle in no man’s land but there were enough archers to kill it fairly rapidly, even with a dozen villagers holed up adding to the carnage. When the game ejected them from the castle they were slaughtered before they did much repair work. damn mongols.

Well, what I do if I run out of one type of resources is I farm, farm, farm like crazy and then trade in my food for stone at a ridiculous price, but it doesn’t matter since I have so much.

I’ll have to try that. I’ve made it this far with only 8 farms so I guess more wouldn’t hurt.

Only 8 farms? Christ. You need way more - see, that’s the joy of AoE2. If you have too much of something, just trade it in to get more of something else. The economy of AoE2 is just great.

Originally posted by Sorcerer
Only 8 farms? Christ. You need way more - see, that’s the joy of AoE2. If you have too much of something, just trade it in to get more of something else. The economy of AoE2 is just great.

Yea. Thats why i like it better than other RTSs.

Are they ever going to make an AoE3? Age of mythology sucked, i want a real AoE sequel.

If its that bad
cheat a little
there are some good codes for getting stone and super units that can kick butt

How do you turn this on?

Originally posted by Cless Alvein
How do you turn this on?

turn what on?


hit enter and type them in

No, How do you turn this on? is a cheat code. It gives you a car with machine guns

I don’t want to cheat, as I’m trying to get better for when I play my friends. I did try cheating and had 5 machine gun cars get mowed down in seconds. The mongols really hate me be not as much as my RTS addict friends.


Originally posted by Cless Alvein
How do you turn this on?

I forgot about that

that is an awesome cheat.

if ure playing for mutliplayer practice

i never compare a computer to a real player

players can suck
and computer can kick ass. ( but not normally as most AI’s suck)

Would you guys be willing to play a multi-player game with me?

i’m looking for people to play with/against