A thought on videogames influencing people

Originally posted by Sorcerer
If you know a lot of clean ravers, you know a lot of people that have never raved.

And I know ravers who were clean and ravers who did drugs. The scene is not based around the drugs, it is based around the music- like most other scenes. Just like not everybody who enjoys Pink Floyd does LSD, not everyone who raves does drugs. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Although I must say that drugs DO play a large place in their scene- whether you are a clean raver or not.

I would say that drugs are the main thing at raves, actually. Hence the fog machines, the trippy lighting effects etc…

Like I said- it is a big part of the scene- however one does not have to use drugs and be a raver.

"Part III: Drugs

Drugs. The big ‘D’ word. Drugs have been a part of the rave scene since the beginning. Yes, it is possible to go to a rave and not do drugs. Yes, it is possible to be a raver and live a drug-free lifestyle. No, a rave is not dependent on drug use. Nevertheless, one cannot separate the scene from the drug use. It is impossible. Anyone that says otherwise is a liar.

In England, the rave scene originated with MDMA or Ecstasy. In America, it was LSD or acid. It was common to see blotter art on flyers. Raves were named Dose or Acid Test. Raves are ways of changing the psychological state of a human being bringing them into a different plane of existence. This goes hand-in-hand with psychedelic drugs.

At first, acid and occasional marijuana use were the only drugs seen at raves in America. Then, Ecstasy moved in. It became the raver drug of choice. Ecstasy broke down barriers of communication. It enhanced pleasure and sensation. Music became physically pleasurable. Strangers became people to be loved. Ecstasy broke down egos. It was a perfect fit with the happy family that the rave scene was trying to create.

Today, Ecstasy is still popular, and acid is still used by a sizable minority. However, as greed has taken hold within the scene, Ecstasy is no longer pure. It is usually cut with baking powder, or worse, various pesticides and poisons. Nitrous Oxide has become popular. Within the last year or so, hard drugs have moved into the scene, crystal meth, heroin, and even alcohol.

Drugs are a frequent topic of debate among ravers. Some think that drugs should be done away with entirely. Others think that only drugs that increase the vibe should be allowed, namely marijuana, LSD, and ecstasy. Still others think that the rave scene is about personal choice and determining which drugs are good and which drugs are bad is imposing personal morals on others. The fact of the matter is, as the rave scene is appropriated (which I will examine later) into mainstream society, fewer people are concerned about the vibe, and more concerned about being wasted. This is where the ketamine, the meth, and the heroin come in."

Taken straight from here: http://www.phantasmagoria.f2s.com/writings/raveindex.html

Poor pac-man…All that ectasy is going to put holes in his brain!

It was a god damm atupid fucking joke! Dammit.

In my experience, Ren, some people will take anything seriously.

Originally posted by Sorcerer
Have you ever been to a rave? No? Didn’t think so. If so, how would you know you have to be high to enjoy it? It’s not crap, they’re fun.

Hey man, don’t rip on my stupid baseless assumptions.

Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Did it? Or did the drugs just alter Pac’s mind in such a way that it APPEARED to make everything go slow and flashy?

I can be totally wrong but I think the pills do make him go faster. I played Pac-Man recently too.

Originally posted by CalebNova
Hey man, don’t rip on my stupid baseless assumptions.

Haw! What a great line.

Originally posted by Nulani
So Pac-Man is to blame for the evils of our century. And here I always thought it was the news’ overly focusing on violence and crime.

I don’t think Pac-Man was the cause of all the evil. It might have a bit of influence. In fact video games alone wouldn’t have the complete influence. Some television shows have a bit of it, too

Originally posted by JFGemini107
I don’t think Pac-Man was the cause of all the evil. It might have a bit of influence. In fact video games alone wouldn’t have the complete influence. Some television shows have a bit of it, too

He was joking.

Yeah, stop taking things seriously!

When will people realise that most of what I write is sarcasm, at least, in threads like this.

As funny as that comparative statement is, people did drugs a long time before video games. If you ever wanna see something massively fucked up, look at Stanford`s Jabberwocky dance representation of RNA -> Protein translation. Its…interesting.

Originally posted by Yar Kramer
Yeah, stop taking things seriously!

There’s the reason I say that in newbie threads :hahaha; .

It was a joke? I thought jokes were supposed to be funny? Maybe that’s why people misinterpreted it.

Pacman influencing raver culture… lol. Ecstacy was around before pacman came out, I’m pretty sure, I think there were raves before too, in the 70’s… not exactly positive on that, seeing as how I don’t know too much about the sub-culture, but it’s something I’ve heard. It’s funny how many connections you can make, that weren’t really intended, IE Alice in Wonderland.

Originally posted by demigod
It was a joke? I thought jokes were supposed to be funny? Maybe that’s why people misinterpreted it.

… It was sarcasm. Sarcasm’s not always funny.

Yeah, a lot of people believe Carrol was high on mushrooms when he wrote that lol

No, he just took cocaine as a headache cure.