A few uncommon things about sexuality

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry at all this. X_X

CH: I’m not so sure of that one, either. I thought Rome was known for its “decadence” near its end. I’m sure that for any generation where homosexuality might have been practiced the elders and statesmen would have disapproved of it. Or, at least, the elder statesmen.

Originally posted by Mabatsekker
[b]I still cannot grasp the reality of people who just CAN’T accept the fact that when you go to a Sauna, you go there NAKED. Towels are like, a no-no! Starts rambling like the guy on Chatterbox…

“Nudity is real! I mean, take a look in your pants, c’mon! A lot of people are into nudity!”[/b]

Oh, and god forbid someone in the US even suggests that sometime, somewhere along the line, there existed in the US a child, and that child was not fully clothed. The reason I bring this up is because over the summer I worked in a photo department for a local pharmacy. According to certain rules, I was obligated to report to the police anyone who had pictures involving<strike>nekkid lesbian twins</strike> children and the slightest lack of clothing developed. I understand that people are wary of child abuse, but this is ridiculous. I fully expect, unless a reversal in this tendency occurs, to encounter a child someday that believes it was born fully clothed. Although it’s died down somewhat since its high period of the summer of 2002 or so, the US media goes crazy over child abduction. I want to know when the issue’s going to cause something big to hit the fan, because the country’s approach to sexuality seems so warped to me. Hell, even within this post I’m ending up posting a bunch of rambling semi-coherent statements because it would seem to me that if I even began discussing something involving both the words “child” and “naked” some people’d label me as a pedophile. Now I know the folks around here wouldn’t, but it’s the impression the media-at-large gives me.

Originally posted by RoguePaladinTrian
[b]CH: I’m not so sure of that one, either. I thought Rome was known for its “decadence” near its end. I’m sure that for any generation where homosexuality might have been practiced the elders and statesmen would have disapproved of it. Or, at least, the elder statesmen.

Oh, and god forbid someone in the US even suggests that sometime, somewhere along the line, there existed in the US a child, and that child was not fully clothed. The reason I bring this up is because over the summer I worked in a photo department for a local pharmacy. According to certain rules, I was obligated to report to the police anyone who had pictures involving<strike>nekkid lesbian twins</strike> children and the slightest lack of clothing developed. I understand that people are wary of child abuse, but this is ridiculous. I fully expect, unless a reversal in this tendency occurs, to encounter a child someday that believes it was born fully clothed. Although it’s died down somewhat since its high period of the summer of 2002 or so, the US media goes crazy over child abduction. I want to know when the issue’s going to cause something big to hit the fan, because the country’s approach to sexuality seems so warped to me. Hell, even within this post I’m ending up posting a bunch of rambling semi-coherent statements because it would seem to me that if I even began discussing something involving both the words “child” and “naked” some people’d label me as a pedophile. Now I know the folks around here wouldn’t, but it’s the impression the media-at-large gives me. [/b]

I laughed when I read that. My grandfather used show us some old slide shows that he made after my sister and I were born. The first picture on each show was each of us in our birthday suits :fungah: .

I also am very doubtful of the third item on your list, Ren. Homosexuality amongst men was indeed widely accepted in Ancient Rome, but it was not a common rite of passage for men. There is simply not enough textual or archaeological evidence to support such a claim it was.

My addition: Leeks, and to a lesser extent onions, garlic and chives, were widely believed to be an aphrodisiacs in Europe during the Middle Ages. Note also how the lusty monk in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales eats a lot of these types of vegetables…

I myself am also very interested in expressions of sexuality, particularly male sexuality, in chivalric culture during the Late Middle Ages in Western Europe. I hope to encompass this field of study as I pursue graduate school (hopefully) next year and beyond.

Originally posted by RoguePaladinTrian
CH: I’m not so sure of that one, either. I thought Rome was known for its “decadence” near its end. I’m sure that for any generation where homosexuality might have been practiced the elders and statesmen would have disapproved of it. Or, at least, the elder statesmen.

You’re probably right, I was thinking more of the pre-Caesar days.

fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

Guard: This job RAWKS!!!

Originally posted by Cloth Hat
You’re probably right, I was thinking more of the pre-Caesar days.

Or at least pre-Christianity days.

That’s also something to spend your time digging into.

You forgot to mention the tribe where the son isn’t considered an adult before he has had sex with his mom, infront of dad. Freud would have liked them.

Originally posted by Nulani
[b]That’s also something to spend your time digging into.

You forgot to mention the tribe where the son isn’t considered an adult before he has had sex with his mom, infront of dad. Freud would have liked them. [/b]

God bless the Oedipus Complex.:fungah:

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
This is easaly the most interesting (and disturbing) thing I’ve read all day. :hahaha;

Originally posted by BahamutXero
Oh, and now because I’m probably a bigger grammer freak than X ever was because of the writing course I’m taking, hipothesis is spelled: hYpothesis:get it?: .

Irony strikes again.


Originally posted by demigod
Apparently, some biologist and a theologian got together and came up with a theory that this is the missing rib that God took from Adam to create Eve.

And I thought I had already seen every possible perversion on Adam & Eve…

Nul: I did mention. Kekari tribe.

Originally posted by Pierson
Nice research. What’s all this going towards?

Nothing, really. I just have a lot of free time.

And now, a big one. Just when you think our species couldn’t get any lower in its perversions, freaky people create a new one.

Historical background: it all started on Ebay (wonder, wonder…), where a lot of people display pics of the products they are selling. There was nothing erotic about the items sold. One day, someone went selling a kettle, the typical object of domestic utility you use to make the tea of 5 o’clock. When users checked the pic of the kettle, they noticed there was something’s image reflect on it. There’s always someone curous enough to go and check. When they zoomed in… it was the owner of the kettle, butt-naked. It was all they needed. Ok, it started as an accident, but now thousands of people have embraced the cause. According to Daily Record, Ebay does not allow people to trade adult-oriented material in it, which made of the kettle seller an instant living legend and inspired hardcore exhbitionists.

The new wave is called Reflect Porn. There is a site dedicated to it: http://www.reflectoporn.com/

Knives, pans, plates, even TV’s… everything that can reflect porn in a way that people would mostly not notice in a quick glance is being sold in Ebay. You think of subliminar messages. These people have turned Ebay into their playground. I’ve already seen a guitar in which a naked person could be seen in two metalic buttons.

edit: this thing is spreading so big that Yahoo now has a category solely for it.

Originally posted by Astral
[b]pours molten lava on him <.<

ah yes, but back to the topic. I wonder why praying mantis’ eat their partners’ heads? [/b]

The Praying Mantis’ eat their partner’s head for nurisment for the eggs. Since Praying Mantis’ die a few months after mating season, the “dad” lets the “mom” do it.

And it’s Athena, not Atena.

Originally posted by Ren

23-) In China, the penis of some animals, like deers, are used as aphrodisiacs.

Tiger, too.

Originally posted by Astral
While I’d love to agree with that <.<… I think it’s more likely that they just get really hungry and decide to chomp down. I was reading some page on how to care for them and it said feed the females well beforehand or they’ll eat the males. I guess the females just see them as having a dual purpose, the perfect snack and the perfect mate.

I think the female’s disgruntled and she decides that she’ll be getting head 1 way or the other.

Originally posted by Sinistral
I think the female’s disgruntled and she decides that she’ll be getting head 1 way or the other.


Lesson learned: Always give a girl head or she’ll have yours.

Originally posted by Kagato Toujou
[b]fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

Guard: This job RAWKS!!! [/b]

Hah, my dad was wrong! I could have made a living in ancient history. Lets see, supposing I would recieve the equivalent of ten bucks a pop, I could have already made a hundred and seventy dollars today.

Originally posted by Sinistral
I think the female’s disgruntled and she decides that she’ll be getting head 1 way or the other.

lol… yup, that must be it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway, it’s cool how the male sacrifices itself for the female… <.<

Hmm … something like that happens with succubi, too …

:fungah: … Okay, anyone who’s surprised at the arrival of a succubus in a thread of this topic, I’ve got some Holy Materia I’d like to sell you.

Originally posted by Astral
[b]lol… yup, that must be it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway, it’s cool how the male sacrifices itself for the female… <.< [/b]

Uhm Yeah… ookay, but… uhm… That’s not the kind of head I’d like to give. Oi. I’d pass on that. KTHXBYE