4th of July Blast from the past

Remember this? I think I made this for 4th of July 2000…

I think I saw that at Macc’s HQ… Or was it ROITS?

Probably cuz I let Macc use it or something. Honestly it was a long time ago, as long as he gave me credit I don’t mind.

Heh, nice recolor of moogles/Mog. Too bad there aren’t any star though…

Yea, you could have made some of those moogles white, and it woulda looked really cool.

Hehe, cool X. Now if I could summon the red, white, and blue Ultros…

Actually, I have an idea. Stay tuned for a possible update.

Your flag has 27 too many “stars”. =P

Well that’s the problem. The flag is correct proportionally, but since moogles weren’t made to be in flags that means I had to either sacrifice stars or total flag proportions. I went the former route, but since everyone fucking complains about the stars I’m going to see if I can add some extra moogles to the side and make the noses white in the pattern that the real flag is in, thus making it stellarly correct.

A real patriot would have found a way the first time!

You should try spacing them out until only 50 fit. They won’t line up with the stripes, of course, but then again the stars on the Real American flag don’t line up with the stripes either.

or you could, y’know, quit making such a big deal about the stars and just enjoy it for what it is: a kawaii little piece of patriotism, one that was made BEFORE Sept. 11th I might add…bastards…you people are all a bunch of ungrateful communists…